Bob Lahita Bob Lahita

We stink, but does it mean anything?

Smell has a direct path to the brain. It plays a role in the taste of food, sexual attraction, and pleasure. It is said that humans have never appreciated the role of the sense of smell, which is just as crucial as other senses, such as taste, vision, hearing, and even disease detection. There is even data to suggest that we all smell at different ages.

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Anti-Aging: How to Boost Your Immune System to Live Longer 

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly look young as the years go by and others show more visible signs of immunosenescence? Since we know that everyone ages differently on the outside, it is logical to conclude that everyone ages differently on the inside, too.

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New Year Resolutions: How to Boost Immunity and Live Longer

New Year Resolutions are often ambitious promises about how to live longer that fade out by the end of January - no closer to learning how to boost immunity. Boosting the immune system is at the center of many new year goals. Some people hit the gym, go on diets, overdo Google searches to find the fountain of youth, but the simple truth is that age is relative for all of us. Aging depends on your individual immunosenescence. Immunosenescence is the gradual decline of our immune system that comes with age.

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Weak Immune System Treatment: Boost Immunity by Getting Sleep  

Getting sleep is important as part of a weak immune system treatment plan to boost immunity. About 35% of American adults report insufficient sleep, which is less than seven hours per night, according to the Sleep Foundation. Stress, overstimulation, and electronic devices interfere with healthy resting, but it is common to develop insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, and even sleepwalking in extreme cases. Why is sleep a key ingredient in boosting immunity?

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Weak Immune System Treatment: How to Improve Immune System with Gut Health

We are all looking for weak immune system treatment ideas online and trying to learn how to improve immune system functioning with gut health, heart health, and a long list of healthy tips. Immunity Strong: Boost Your Natural Healing Power and Live to 100 is a book focused on showing you how to improve immune system functioning in your everyday routines. While the biological soul is a focal point, we also rely on a healthy gut biome for optimal health.

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Weak Immune System Treatment: Focus on the Biological Soul 

In Immunity Strong: Boost Your Natural Healing Power and Live to 100, the biological soul is identified as the brain, heart, lungs, and skin. At the root of a weak immune system treatment is finding ways to boost immunity by maintaining a focus on the biological soul. The body is an incredible machine of many moving parts, and focusing on the biological soul allows for longevity. We optimize the natural healing powers of our bodies by learning how to improve the immune system with good habits and preventative lifestyle choices.

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How to Boost Immunity with Moving Meditation and a Healthy Biological Soul

Knowing how to boost immunity with moving meditation and a healthy biological soul helps people stay healthy. It takes a combination of daily habits and lifestyle adjustments to have a high immune system. The “biological soul” is a term created by Dr. Robert Lahita to describe the brain, heart, lungs, and skin as the center of your immune system. He discussed the importance of long-term health habits in a recent interview with LX News.

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Immunity Strong - How to Keep Your Biological Soul Healthy While Traveling

Like many people all over the world, you want to keep your biological soul healthy while traveling by keeping your immunity strong. It is no easy task to know how to improve immunity. In a world with misinformation, passionate opinions, and an understandable desire to go “back to normal,” planning travel changed so much after the Covid pandemic. Here are some great tips to boost your health for travel plans and know what increases immunity.

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Bob Lahita Bob Lahita

What is the Difference Between the Spiritual Soul and the Biological Soul?

According to philosophers, the human soul is dualistic: consisting of matter and spirit. There is a physical, biological soul and a spiritual soul that integrate to form the foundation of a long life. The biological soul, the root of our immune system, is throughout your body, your brain, heart lungs, skin and is meant to make you live beyond 100, which is not a stretch anymore.

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8 Ways To Make Your Immunity Strong & The Biological Soul Live To 100

We have just weathered two years of chaos and confusion, and it does not seem to stop. The novel coronavirus pandemic was a surprise and changed our lives forever. Many people likely feel like experts when it comes to the immune system, infective organisms, and modes of transmission, heretofore unfamiliar except through Hollywood movies. We all seem to be living in a fictional world with new problems from which we might never recover.

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What is The Biological Soul?

COVID-19 and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic have forced us to think about disease and how to protect ourselves from it. How arbitrary it seems that one person can succumb to a virus while another does not. This concept has brought immunology to the forefront and has created an immense uptick in interest in the field and to start a discussion on how we can improve our immunity to be strong. This is not only important in our fight against COVID, and other viruses, but ultimately to become immunity strong for the purpose of achieving a better quality and longevity of life.

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