Immunity Strong - How to Keep Your Biological Soul Healthy While Traveling

Like many people all over the world, you want to keep your biological soul healthy while traveling by keeping your immunity strong. It is no easy task to know how to improve immunity. In a world with misinformation, passionate opinions, and an understandable desire to go “back to normal,” planning travel changed so much after the Covid pandemic. Here are some great tips to boost your health for travel plans and know what increases immunity.

How to Improve Immunity 

If you're wondering how to improve immunity in a practical way, think of small daily changes to your lifestyle. While genetics certainly impact health, your biological soul responds to good habits. All of these tips can be applied to travel, too. 

  1. Eat yogurt - probiotics enhance your immune system. 

  2. Stop excess alcohol - alcohol compromises the body’s immunity. 

  3. Exercise - plan physical activities during your travel. 

  4. Meditate - make time for real relaxation and mindfulness. 

  5. Socialize - laughter and human connection boost natural immunity. 

  6. Stop smoking - unhealthy habits decrease immunity strength. 

  7. Enjoy sex - healthy and safe sexual activity improves immunity for all ages. 

  8. Vaccinate - keep up with scientific and medical updates in your area.

Most importantly, read and share accurate information to decrease the stress of traveling or feeling unsafe. Misinformation about how to keep your biological soul healthy while traveling creates stress. Stress is a bad habit we all tend to entertain. When you feel confident in the information you read, you’re able to apply healthier choices. Knowing what increases immunity helps you and your family to travel without the anxiety caused by other people’s opinions. 

Let’s expand on the tips and how to improve immunity in your travel plans this year. Back in 2020, most people were stuck at home with major restrictions all over the world. While travel has opened up more, it’s important to read official government regulations for international travel. You can check CDC travel levels for specific countries. Keep up with data for domestic travel plans to avoid mishaps, too. 

Biological Soul 

First, let’s clarify what is the biological soul and how it impacts your health to keep your immunity strong. Your brain, heart, lungs, and skin are the center of your immune system. Together they act and react to environmental triggers, your lifestyle, good habits, and bad habits. 

Eat Yogurt for Strong Immunity 

Probiotics protect the biome. If you’ve ever heard that health starts in the gut, you may understand why adding a refreshing yogurt snack helps on road trips, day trips, and long travel plans. It can be too easy to buy a salty or sweet snack at an airport shop or indulge in too many meals while on vacation. Have fun, yes, but don’t forget to maintain your healthy nutrition to have a strong immunity. 

Remove Alcohol’s Effects on Immunity

There’s nothing wrong with a moderate glass of wine during a scenic dinner or a friendly beer with friends. The problem with vacation season and travel is that some people have excess alcohol. Aside from risking dehydration, alcohol disturbs the internal health of your microorganisms and those are responsible for boosting your immune system when needed. 

Exercise for a High Immune System

This isn’t groundbreaking, but exercise does keep your biological soul healthy by maintaining a high immune system. While traveling, you enjoy sedentary relaxation on an airplane, train, car, or other means of transportation. Try to stretch, engage muscles with sitting exercises, and plan physical activity a few times during your trip. 

Meditate to Keep Immunity Strong 

Have you ever taken a trip that was supposed to be a vacation and returned home more tired? It happens to many people. This is why it’s key to plan real relaxation to allow your body the space to recuperate from daily stress. Meditate, go for leisurely walks, sign-up for a fun yoga class, and explore resort or local ideas for some quiet time. Meditation means many things and can have a spiritual component, but it does not have to be. A good massage with some soothing music could be just as good! 

Make Time for Family and Friends 

Not everyone has the time or money to plan a big trip. Don’t let that get in the way of making your immunity strong. Human connection is important to your biological soul. Laughter among trusted loved ones is an easy tip on how to improve immunity. A great conversation with an old friend can provide the relaxation a meditation may not. 

Make Time for Sex to Have a Stronger Immune System 

Don’t laugh. Sex heals. Put aside any societal opinions about your age or body type, and prioritize sex with your partner. At any age, sex boosts the immune system and makes your biological soul stronger. There is no better time to explore your sexuality and enjoy human connection than on vacation. Travel can provide romantic ideas and a change of scenery that may benefit you and your partner with a stronger immune system. 

Vaccinate for Better Immunity 

If you want to know how to keep your biological soul healthy during travel and what increases immunity, a big factor is vaccination. After the Covid pandemic, many people allowed for opinions to overrule their better judgment while traveling. Imagine the stress of traveling not knowing if the person next to you is carrying an illness. We all experience this, even with daily commuting. Vaccines help people feel more protected and lower the risk of transmissions and viral loads. If you’re choosing to travel, look up vaccination requirements before spending money or booking plans. Research destinations that match your comfort levels to avoid unpleasant experiences with restrictions. 

While this list is not comprehensive, it’s practical and easy to have a stronger immune system this summer. If you’re planning to travel, keep your immune system healthy by not forgetting the small lifestyle choices that matter most. Daily choices. 

What is the Biological Soul? 

Dr. Robert Lahita is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, a Professor at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, and the Director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease St. Joseph's Healthcare System. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Master of the American College of Rheumatology, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. With over 16 books and 150 scientific publications, Dr. Lahita is happy to promote a high immune system by knowing how to take care of your biological soul, a term he coined in his recent book, Immunity Strong: Boost Your Natural Healing Power and Live to 100. Learn more about the biological soul and Dr. Bob’s high immunity tips on his website.

Doctor Lahita is Clinical Professor of Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, a Professor at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine and the Director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease St. Joseph's Healthcare System. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Master of the American College of Rheumatology, and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Dr. Lahita is the author of more than 16 books and 150 scientific publications in the field of autoimmunity.

Want to know more about the Biological Soul and how to live to 100? You can get Dr. Bob’s new book, “Immunity Strong” here on Amazon. 


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